Easy, Low Competition Scholarships Older Adults Can Apply For Now
Are you a baby boomer or older adult who’s thinking about going or returning to college?
Deciding to return to school (or attend for the first time) is a very big deal. If you can apply the time, grit, discipline, and money that it takes to succeed in college, it can absolutely be worth it…
But, sometimes it’s not such a great idea. You see, college is a significant investment of time and money, both of which are precious commodities, which means you decision should consider multiple, impactful factors. Your return-on-investment (or, ROI) may or may not be ideal – especially if you can’t make more money or aren’t fulfilled by a new degree. So, make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons, like one or both of the following:
- You’ve always dreamed about refining your lifelong or post-retirement passion with another credential. This is the best, most rewarding way to show your expertise.
- Earning this additional credential or degree will give you a substantial boost in your pay (compared to the required investment), or aid a much-needed career transition.
If you have already made up your mind, this is for you.
Ready to take the plunge as a first-time prospective undergraduate or an aspiring graduate student? There’s financial aid available that doesn’t require getting into blasphemous levels of debt. Here is a list of money-saving scholarships that are perfect for baby boomers and nontraditional learners!
Note: This post lists only lower-competition scholarships which are available nationwide and not restricted to certain colleges or universities. Neither do the scholarships listed below restrict eligibility based on sex. Please be aware that current enrollment in an accredited institution may be required for some applications.
Scholarships For Nontraditional Adult Students & Baby Boomers

- Boomer Benefits Scholarship
- I Have a Dream Scholarship
- Adult Students in Scholastic Transition (ASIST) Scholarship
- Because College Is Expensive Scholarship
- C.I.P. Scholarship
- KB Delta Scholarship Program
- College Prowler No Essay Scholarship
- Return2College Scholarship
- Imagine America Adult Excellence Award
- C.I.P. (“College Is Power” Scholarship
- Unigo $10K Scholarship
Association for Nontraditional Students in Higher Education (ANTSHE) Scholarships
Thanks to the Association for Nontraditional Students in Higher Education, there’s a nice handful scholarships targeting adult students. To apply, membership in the organization is required. ANTSHE can provide a new network of likeminded, mature learners to connect with. Their award programs include:
While these scholarships have the lowest competition and are boomer-friendly, there are plenty more available with more specific eligibilities!
Some of the more specific scholarships are based on many other personal factors like the following: location, the intended school or area of study, sex/gender, race/ethnicity and other physical characteristics, faith, organizational memberships, occupation, employer, lifestyle, previous academic achievements, and more.
Calling All Baby Boomers: Show Me The (Tuition) Money!

Tackling your ambitions of furthering your education doesn’t have to wipe out your savings. Applying for these scholarships can help immensely when it comes to paying for an advanced degree so you can get that promotion, make a career change, or simply fulfill a major life goal.
The advantages older adult students tend to have over younger college students (like more efficient communication skills, better personal financial management, or greater life and work experience) can not only help inform application essays, but are also benefits in college-level programs. Professors and institutions tend to highly value the assets which more mature adult students can bring to the table, as they’re good indicators of stability and commitment required for success.
Not looking for an additional degree but just want to learn something new? For those over 55, many institutions also offer the chance to sit in on courses for free. That is, of course, an unbeatable value.
Which scholarships are you most excited about? Have any more money-saving suggestions for other boomers or adult students? Let us know in the comments!