Daily BillAdvisor Review of 5.15.2017
How You Can Save Money On Your Monthly Bills
Saving is always better than spending, especially when it comes to your monthly services. You could save tons of money each year instead of giving up more than you have to. This add up month after month, but it can be hard to successfully lower your bills on your own if you can’t use the services less or negotiate them yourself.
That’s why BillAdvisor provides you with a personal bill management advocate. Get great promotional discounts on your monthly bills and money-saving deals that will slash your rates within the next few billing cycles! See how much money we saved these members off their bundles and bills in our daily BillAdvisor review for May 15, 2017.
- Kevin L. saved $402.60 off of his internet and home phone bill.
- Kevin L. saved $830 off of his television bill.
- Teresa L. saved $210 off of her smartphone and internet bundle.